Company Profiles
Company profiles summarize essential information regarding individual
companies. These include company overviews, industry backgrounds and company
histories, business summaries, and current and historical financial data.
Company profiles provide subscribers with not just the business and financial
information about the companies but also the environment in which they operate
in. Understanding the structure of many Chinese companies can be a challenge,
especially in light of the country's massive economic reforms. The industry
background sections of our profiles will provide readers with the roadmap to
navigate the complex terrain of Chinese equities.
View a Sample Company
Our Company Profiles are in PDF format. If you do not have a PDF reader
installed, you can download one from Adobe
The following is a current list of our Company Profiles. New companies are regularly added to this list.
Stock Research Reports
Our team of Chinese researchers, led by Beijing-based director of research,
Li Wang, conducts objective and independent research on Chinese companies
listed on the global stock exchanges. Li brings 25 years of
business, financial, and government experience to this position.
Our research reports highlight what we consider to be positive factors as well
as risk factors for the companies and their industries/sectors. Additionally,
we run discounted free cash flow (DFCF) models to determine 1-year target prices.
View a Sample Research Report.
Our Stock Reports are in PDF format. If you do not have a PDF reader
installed, you can download one from Adobe
The following is a current list of our Research Reports. New companies are regularly added to this list.