Monthly Newsletters
Monthly newsletters enable us to convey to investors important economic and
government policy developments as well as specific company information. As
China evolves from a planned economy to a market economy, it has become the
world's fastest-growing major economy. While there certainly will be growing
pains and hiccups along the way, there is little doubt that China is on the
road to becoming a global economic powerhouse.
In this exciting period of change, we are upbeat about China's prospects and
potential. History has repeatedly shown that great investment opportunities can
be found in both up and down market cycles. Clearly, for investors in this
dynamic environment, there is a voluminous amount of material to cover,
information to digest, and data to analyze.
Our newsletters will update investors with the latest developments on the
Chinese economic landscape and political events, as well as on specific
individual companies. It is our belief that the intelligent investor should be
armed with as much relevant information as possible.
We have many different local sources for our information, including
Securities Market Weekly which has granted us permission to translate
and use articles from their print magazine.
View a Sample Newsletter.
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